English Literature klinton jack

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Masters in English Literature for National University of Bangladesh

Bangladesh National University Syllabus: MA (Final)

From session: 2016-2017

Course Description:
Subject CodeCourse TitleUnitMarks
1151Chaucer and Shakespeare1.0100
1152Modern Poetry1.0100
1153Modern Drama1.0100
1154Modern Novel and Prose1.0100
1180Term paper 0.550

Detailed Syllabus:

Subject Code-1151: Chaucer and Shakespeare

The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales,
The Nuns Priests Tale,
Troilus and Cresyde

king lear,
Measure for Measure

Books Recommended:

1 W.P. Kerr, Medieval English Literature
2 N.G. Coghill, The Poet Chaucer
3 C.S. Lewis, The Allegory of Love
4 M. Bowden, A Commentary on the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

Subject Code-1152: Modern Poetry

1 Whitman-Song of Myself
2 W.B. Yeats- Selected Poems (ed.NormanJeffer excluding the pieces included in the First year Honours Course)
3 Robert Frost-Poems (as in Norton-excluding Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening)
4 W.H. Auden-Poems (as in Norton)
5. Dylan Thomas-Poems (as in Norton excluding Fern Hill)
6. Heany Seamus-Poems (as in Norton)

Books Recommended:
1 G.W. Cunliffe, English Literature during the Last Half of a Century
2 C.M. Bowra,The Heritage of Symbolism
3 V.De Sola Pinto, Crisis in Modern Poetry
4 D.H. Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature
5 Geofrey Dutton, Walt Whitman
6 Phillip L. Gerber, Robert Frost

Subject Code-1153: Modern Drama

1 Synge-Riders to the Sea
2 G.B.Shaw-Man and Superman
3 O NeilDesireUnder the Elms
4 Samuel Becket-Waiting for Godot
5 A. Miller-Death of a Salesman
6 Osborne-Look Back in Anger

Books Recommended:
1 H.Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature
2 Murcus Cunlife, Literature of the United States
3 Jean Gould, Modern American Playwrights
4 H.W. Hubel, Who are the Major American Writers?
5 Doris B. Folk, Eugene O Neil and the Tragic Vision
6 G.W. Cunliffe, English Literature during the Last Half of a Century

Subject Code-1154(A):Modern Novel and Prose
1 E.Hemingway-A Farewell to Arms
2 W. Golding-Lord of the Flies
3 N.Hawthorne-The Scarlet Letter
4 Aldous Huxley-Brave New World
5 J. Paul Sartre-Nausea

1 F.R. Leavis-Literature and Society
2 Virginia Woolf-Shakespeare’s Sister

Books Recommended:
1 G.W.Cunliffe, English Literature during the Last Half a Century
2 Dmund Wilson, Axel’s Castle
3 Hallbrook Jackson, The Eighteen Nineties
4 Perry Lubbock, The Craft of the Fiction

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