English Literature klinton jack

Monday, July 1, 2019

A Pure love story by klinton jack

It was the best time of my life when I attended college, majoring in Arts. Although I initially felt homesick during the first few weeks, having left my family in my beautiful village to come to the city, things took an unexpected turn.

A few weeks into college, I noticed a girl in our department who captivated me. She was incredibly beautiful and attractive, unlike anyone I had seen before. I wondered why I hadn't noticed her when I first arrived; perhaps she was absent or my overwhelming homesickness had blinded me.

One day at 10 AM, I spotted her in the library, engrossed in a book. There were only a few students around. Even though I wasn't particularly interested in reading extra books, something compelled me to go to the library that day. She didn't notice me initially, absorbed in her book, but when she finally looked up, I felt like I was about to faint.

The next day, I intentionally went to the library at the same time, hoping for an opportunity to talk to her. She seemed not to notice me much, and I assumed she might be busy or deliberately ignoring me. My plan to strike up a conversation while searching for books was disrupted when her friend, Lisa, called her away for another engagement.

Frustrated but determined, I waited for the next day. Coming early to the library, I finally got a chance to talk to her. Her name was Lisa, and through a series of events, I found out she was sick and staying at the hostel. Neha, a newfound friend, offered to help me get in touch with Lisa.

Days later, Lisa returned to the campus, and with Neha's assistance, I finally met her. We spent time together, and my feelings for her deepened. However, my hesitation to express my love grew, especially after learning about Lisa's supposed list of rejected suitors.

As time passed, Neha revealed that Lisa liked me, and with her encouragement, I mustered the courage to propose to Lisa. However, fate had other plans. Lisa fell seriously ill, and my priority shifted to taking care of her. Despite the opportunity, I couldn't bring myself to confess my feelings.

Lisa's health deteriorated, and she eventually had to leave for her family due to her sickness. In her absence, my worry and longing for her grew, but there was no way to contact her. Two months later, I received devastating news about Lisa's passing. She had been battling brain cancer, a secret she had kept from me to spare my feelings.

Heartbroken and filled with regret, I visited Lisa's village. Her sister shared a diary Lisa had left for me, expressing her deep love and gratitude for our time together. The diary unveiled the depth of her feelings and her decision not to burden me with her illness.

Twenty years later, I find myself a professor at the same college, still unmarried and living with Lisa's memories. Remal and Neha, now married with children, have urged me to start anew in America, but the campus, the park, and Lisa's memories keep me anchored. I cherish the moments we shared and remain hopeful of a reunion in the afterlife.

This story is a poignant reminder of a love lost but not forgotten, a love that transcends time and death.

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