English Literature klinton jack

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

How does conrad treat the theme of imperialism in Heart of Darkness

The theme of the evil of imperialism lies at he center of  the novel heart of the darkness by Joseph Conrad .Perhaps Conrad's main objective in this novel is to show the imperialist exploitation of a backward country by a civilized nation .
Conrad treatment of the theme was inspired by his own visit to the Congo and his witness of brutality and exploitation of that dark country .

As Marlow travels from the outer station to the central station and finally up the river to the inner station ,he encounters and witness of sense of  torture,cruelty ,brutality ,and near -slavery . In fact Marlow is a device through which the novelist shows the real picture of the colonialism. Marlow believes that European men truly represent the good of imperialism. But the truth is just the opposite. The reality of European imperialism in Africa is total greed and evil.

Corporate imperialism and commercial colonization are the twin forms that stand behind the action of the novel .It is the interest of business that both Marlow and Kurtz come to the congo .

The keyword of the theme of  imperialism may be traced to the very beginning of Marlow's narration ,Marlow says that the conquest of the another country motley means the taking away all the things from those who have a different complexion .
Marlow's experience in the congo clearly show that the white-men there failed to perform their duties .Instead of civilizing the savage natives the white-men turned into exploiters and become greedy .

The congo was at the time being governed by the Belgian king Leopold 2 and the Belgian Trading company was sending it's agents into congo for trading purpose .

Ivory was the chief purpose they would desire and searching for .Ivory was the precious substance that formatting from the tusks of Elephant ,and use for making ornaments .

Later on we see that ivory is not only the substance that Belgian trading company connecting but it turns into there passion and obsession with them .We see through Kurtz character that he found himself passionate the ivory .

The ivory symbolize the white-men's greedy and commercial mentality .Their chief concern in the congo is to collect ivory ,although they profess that they have come to civilize them .But they took part in violence over the savages and forced them to work  .

A glorious example of evil and selfishness we find in Mr.Kurtz .He seems as a good man who become the God of the savages but he takes advantage of them .Instead making them civilize he uses them to collect ivory from the depth forest .
Conrad in the novel not only exposes the hollowness and the weakness of Belgian imperialism rule over the congo but it also remind us the British imperialism in various country of the world in his time .

Actually Heart of Darkness portrays the brutality ,murder ,slave trading and greed of ivory of Belgian Treading company .They make the congo more darkness instead of making it civilize  .

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