English Literature klinton jack

Friday, February 16, 2018

Consider Wilhem as a victimized hero in ‘Seize the Day’.

Seize the day is a reflection of the times in which it was written. The novel was written in a post-war world. WWII created several factors that serve backdrop to Wilhelm’s isolation, frustration and anxiety and that represent the feeling of many during the period.

It's hard not to feel bad for Tommy whilhem even if he has brought most of his troubles on himself .
At heart ,the man is an idealist a romantic and a simple dreamer .

Unfortunatly whilems idealism romanticism and dreaminess are the same qualities that have gotton him into troubles over and over again throught his entire life .

The main mistake in Wilhelm's life is to take decision against his conciseness.

Ten such decision made up his life history miserable . 

We see  that Tommy is a simple man who belies people easily without judging them . 

He had decided that it would be a bad mistake to to to Hollywood but he went there by the help of Venice . He had decided not to marry his wife but he ran off and got married .He had thought not to give money with Tomking but he had given his check him .

Thus he made all the mistakes surrounding his life cycle and those mistake turns his life into miserable and become victimize hero in the novel.

Without no one to care for him no emotional no financial  support  he found from anyone even from his father .
We see him going to his father for seeking  mental relief  from the pain he undergoes but his father though he want money and disclosed this contact with his son .

Throughout  the novel the protagonist Wilhem has been like a drowning man .

Each development of plots worsen his situation .Alienation from his wife ,father ,cheated by his adviser Tomking ,without job and income he become overwhelmed and turn his life into miserable condition .

We find him completely isolated .Wilhelm is an emotional and simpleton and some critics calls him foolish hero .   

The novel portrays Tommy as a man who is drowning .The imagery that surrounds him is the imagery of water and is constantly sinking .

Tommy is a man of forty four years but throught his hole life he has gone through mistake .And the mistake made his life miserable and finally he found himself in the  connection with a death man .

The society whose only god is money is not for him .He has nothing to be part of society he is aliened from society and his only connection is with death man .

The funeral scene is very significant because the funeral procession lead him to Wilhelm's spiritual rebirth .

Thought the person has no family connection with tommy but he cried for the man and people thinks that he may be death man`s brother .some says that he has no similarity with the death person .

Tommy has no Physical similarity with the death man but he has similarity of spirituality with the death man . He is now a death man .In the novel SEIZE THE DAY by Saul Below we see Wilhem as a victimized hero because of his won mistake of life .

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