English Literature klinton jack

Friday, January 4, 2019

How far was Tess herself responsible for her tragedy?

Tess Of The D'urbervilles was written in 1891 where Tess lived in a male dominated society where money gave you power. Having read the novel, Tess has come across as a very confusing character. Many things happen to her, some of which she is responsible for and some that are due to fate

From Hardy’s point of view, Tess in not responsible for what she has done. She is a victim of a series of misfortunes which slowly destroy her personality.. The novel is written in seven chapters; each chapter representing a phase of Tess’s life after which Tess becomes more mature. With the life as series of tragedies, Tess refuses to remain a victim and struggles through life.

However, during the late 20th century,women chastity were an important subject to the society .

The value of a woman’s purity was at the forefront of popular debate, and it is
demonstrated in Hardy’s ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’

Tess of the D"Urbervilles is generally regarded as Hardy's tragic masterpiece, and certainly it is his most ambitious tragic novel. This novel, subtitled "A Pure Woman" was first published in 1891 to a mixed reception. This novel is basically the story of a country girl, Tess whose fate is tragic and in the end she becomes a "tragic heroine". The book reveals Tess's life, how the first-presented innocent girl turns into a tragic heroine.

Love plays an important role in Tess's life because love does not mean happiness to her but it causes her tragedy. Her life is a series of misfortunes which slowly destroys her personality. The first misfortune is of Tess's family when their horse dies in a fatal accident. The death of the horse can be interpreted as the symbol of "change", her life changes into a series of tragedy. Tess blames herself for loosing the family's means of livelihood. Tess's sense of responsibility for her family is one of the book's most important elements.

Here fate is first to come for as enemy and forces her to tragedy gradually.At almost every stage of her life, her actions are influenced by this fact. This affection for her family leads to get in contact with the concupiscent(কামলালসাপূর্ণ), dishonest and cruel young man, Alec. He is attracted by her eyes. Her innocence and naivety allows her to be seduced by this dishonest man. Her honour is slightly blown upon because she is expecting a baby. In the course of the novel as well until this point we can always find hints of foreshadowing of what is to come: the misfortunes and the tragedy. For instance Tess mentions the possibility of the pregnancy and the fact that Tess regards herself as a "murderess"- which she actually to become. 

There are moments where it may have been possible for Tess to alter her future; for example when Angel
leaves Tess, the narrator comments ‘the greatest misfortune of her life was this feminine loss of courage at the last and crucial moment’ 
 Tess may have been capable of changing the course of her life by acting more decisively; the narrator alludes to her
faults, and indicates that she herself may be responsible.
When angel came back to her after a long gap when everything turn to her favor that time she could stay at Alice .But she murdered Alice and went back to Angel.That bring the final tragedy of her life.  

She herself baptized the child "Sorrow" just before he dies. I think she gave this name to her child because she was not really happy about him. The child represented her sorrow. After the death of her child she does not become pessimistic but she wants to start her new life with optimism as if the death of the child meant the end of her sorrow. 

Her experiences have turned her from girl to woman. She wants to forget about the past and wants to go somewhere where nobody knows her life and secret. In the hope of starting her new life she sets out and she gets to Talbothays where she meets her second love Angel Clare. Her fluty voice attracts him first and he falls in love with Tess.

This love seems to be different from the first one because Angel truly loves her. Angel proposes her to marry him and when Tess agrees, her life seems to get into the right way again. Tess makes a big mistake when conceals the truth from Angel and with this she loses the opportunity to be happy. Beside the misfortunes she is also responsible for what happens to her. She wants to tell Angel the truth but maybe she is afraid of the offence which can come out of it. She decides to write a letter to him in which she tells him about her shameful past. The circumstances are against her because the letter which she wrote slips under the carpet and Angel misses to know the truth.
Here is again fate work again her .

At their wedding night Tess manages to tell him everything about her past but it is too late and Angel turns away from her and he feels that he is no longer able to acknowledge her as his wife. 

Till now we know Tess as an infirm person who is not brave enough to stand for her right. She is not able to refuse Alec, to confess her secret, to tell her family about her relationship with Angel. Her naivety and her lies also help her fate to become tragic. Tess is not so strong to stand on her own and after Angel abandons her, she returns home. Instead of helping, her parents blame her and Tess decides to leave home.

Tess's real sufferings begin when Angel abandons her for the second time. She has no money and now, her pride is what stops her to be happy.

As the anniversary of her wedding approaches Tess finally decides to go to Angel's parents to ask them for information. When she hears Angel's brothers discussing Angel's unfortunate marriage in despair she goes away. On the way home she meets Alec who is a preacher now. He wants to seduce her once again and at this point her marriage helps her to refuse Alec. She puts her pride away and writes a letter to Angel for help. Another misfortune comes to Tess. Her mother is very ill and Alec takes advantage of this opportunity. He helps them and Tess agrees to live with him. She, as always chooses unhappiness for the best of her family.

Her real love, Angel returns determined to find her but Tess already lives as Alec's wife. She proudly tells Angel that he is too late and Alec regained her with his kindness to her family. Tess realizes that she can not live like this and after a quarrel with Alec, she kills him. 

Angel does not abandon but protect her. They run away to Stonehenge where Tess lives the happiest moments of her life. Stonehenge is a symbolic place because its religious nature. She is arrested here by the police and sentenced to death. Tess has a tragic end because she accepts her fate.

Hardy gives a detailed description of Tess's character and somehow her character is in parallel with her fate. We can find many things in her character which helps her to be a tragic heroine. She is a beautiful girl and there is a continual stress on her beauty throughout the novel. The two man were attracted by her beauty. Alec was attracted by her eyes while Angel was attracted by her fluty voice
There are contradictory qualities in her character of pride and independence of spirit with a passivity and submissiveness towards other people and her fate: Her determination in leaving Alec, her unwillingness to tell her parents about her marriage, or to approach Angel's parents. She is a credible character, her flaws are not obscured. Tess's tragedy results mainly because she endures the conventional values on her by other people, but the intensity of her suffering is because she acknowledged those values.

She is always afraid of what others will say or think, she suffers under the prejudices of the society. Tess's suffering is repeatedly associated with animal suffering as well at the end of the novel when Tess is arrested and her breathing is "like that of a lesser creature than a woman". I think Tess is a tragic heroine because she accepts the imposition on conventional values on her by other people and that she accepts her fate.
Readers of ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ may, at times feel that Tess is
responsible for her suffering. Tess does not seem entirely aware of herself,
and is not sufficiently careful in her decision making. However, as Beach
reports, the story is primarily one which encourages readers to examine Tess
and ‘say, how pitiful!”(JW Beach, 1962, p 217); it is expected for readers to
feel pity for Tess. The narrator is no doubt in allegiance with Tess, portraying
her as the sad object of men’s desire, and the product of blind acceptance of
social rules. Although Tess makes mistakes in her conduct, these are often as
a direct result of her naivety and good nature. It seems Hardy’s narration is
designed to encourage readers to hold others accountable for the downfall of

‘a pure woman’. 


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