English Literature klinton jack

Thursday, July 12, 2018

A few/Few or little a little confusing of use

A few and few are used with plural count-nouns. A little and little are used with non-count nouns. 

Remember : Uncountable nouns or ‘non-count’ nouns are those nouns that cannot be counted: water, bread etc. Uncountable nouns take a singular verb and are not used with a/an.

Use of Few /a few 

I have many friends; I’ve known few of them since high school.
I have many friends; I’ve known a few of them since high school.
1/ There were only a few people interested in the excursion so it was cancelled.

A Few...

There are a few people who listen to classical music
There’re only a few people, aren’t there?

Use of Little and a little 

Winter in Paris is just  a little too hot for me. I prefer going in spring.

I have a little money left, so we can go shopping if you want.
I have little money left, so I don’t think I can go shopping.
I have a few dollars left, so we can go shopping if you want.
I have very few dollars left, so I don’t think I can go shopping.

I usually have a little time between classes to go grab a snack.
There’s still a little snow outside that hasn’t melted from the winter.
“Is there still juice in the fridge?” “There’s a little left if you want to have some.”

We had little time to prepare before we had to go.
We had a little time to prepare before we had to go.
Nothing to really dent the drought, but nice to get a little water in the ground.

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